Peter Cat Recording Co.: Happy Holidays!

Photography: Nitish Kanjilal

Peter Cat Recording Co.: Happy Holidays!

To make your summer a little cool and to dissipate the bad thoughts until we wake up from the nightmare we are living in right now, Peter Cat Recording Co. gives you a small group of songs they wrote and rejected a long time ago. They call it Happy Holidays! ‘This is an exorcism in the form of a greeting card. Good luck out there. Please help one another, open your hearts and wallets to everyone, don't stop fighting, don't be scared, don't be stupid. Happy Holidays!’ tells us Kartik Pillai from the band, who further breaks down the album for us.

The Inspiration
I think since we've basically had to cancel all of our shows -- including gigs in Russia, Europe and America -- even ones that had already sold out, like Royal Opera House in Bombay, we wanted to put something out so that we could in some way compensate for that. At the same time, we really wanted to release something because our timeline for recording the next album has also been extended, simply because of border and transportation restrictions. So ideally, we want to be able to keep releasing something now and then, since we have a lot of old recordings, until the next album is ready.

The Sensibility
There was no real push for sensibility because we all seem to write in a similar strain most of the time. For us personally, 'Delhi Depression' is a term that describes it really well and seems to seep through in most of our recordings.  

Peter Cat Recording Co.: Happy Holidays!

Honestly, on a certain level, we're still doing the same things we used to, except for the touring which is now, of course, non-existent. It affects our income and has had us looking for different revenue streams and, in general, for that weekly/bi-weekly adrenaline rush. We've always been a group that stays at home or the studio and ventures out only when necessary -- for essential things or tours -- but now that we don't have a choice, its different.

The New Normal
I'm not sure if until a vaccine comes out, it will be normal. I can't take flights or even move between states whenever you want to, can't hug people or even come two feet close to them, and have to keep sanitizing my hand before touching my face constantly. Aside from that, I think it's gonna get worse in terms of discriminatory behaviour and undeserved ego, because that's a very real thing in this country (casteism) and in this world (classism/racism). Human interaction will be changed for a good amount of years, some say two years, some say ten and some say a 100. Whichever way you look at it, the future is going to be very different. 

Hopefully, everyone will become really responsible, a lot kinder, stop cutting corners, and will begin to realize that every human deserves the basic things needed to live. Hopefully, the political systems will change to something resembling a welfare state, which respects its environment and is based on ecology and not continuous growth, which jeopardizes our planet and our civilization. Universal income,universal healthcare, a more responsible World Health Organisation, no more war.... well you know, its good to dream.

Looking forward
We have a few film scoring options in the works. We shall be working on the new album very soon and hopefully releasing it as soon as possible. The future goal is basically to keep releasing music, explore live streaming options, branch out more into commercial projects (ads/films/radio/etc.), and of course, figure out how to best do live shows without jeopardizing ours and anyone's health. There are a few more ideas floating around as our disappointment with major streaming services continue. Hopefully, we can create a self-sustaining environment that keeps us going indefinitely. 

Text Hansika Lohani Mehtani