Curated Experiences With Boxwalla

Curated Experiences With Boxwalla

In today's digitally saturated world, where information overload is the norm, Boxwalla emerges as an oasis of curated excellence. Founded in 2015 by Lavanya Krishnan and Sandeep Bethanabhotla, this California-based duo has cultivated a platform that transcends conventional boundaries. Now, poised to make its mark in their homeland of India, Boxwalla offers a comprehensive array of curated experiences, spanning from beauty to books.

Boxwalla's journey began with subscription boxes featuring organic, plant-based skincare, and literary treasures from around the globe, including potential Nobel Prize winners. Over time, their offerings expanded to encompass a rich tapestry of cultural delights, including curated films from The Criterion Collection, artisanal foods, and ethical fashion. In 2020, Boxwalla further diversified its portfolio, introducing online retail shops catering to discerning tastes in literature, film, food, skincare, and makeup. At its core, Boxwalla represents a celebration of quality over quantity, inviting subscribers to embark on a journey of discovery and appreciation.

Curated Experiences With Boxwalla Lavanya Krishnan(left) | Sandeep Bethanabhotla (right)

Lavanya Krishnan(left) | Sandeep Bethanabhotla (right)

In a candid conversation, Sandeep shares the genesis of Boxwalla, tracing its roots back to the overwhelming influx of information and misinformation saturating the internet. “The internet is the biggest library humanity has ever created, with all the information that you can think of but a lot of times it does not fulfil our need of getting genuine and trustworthy recommendations”, Sandeep reflects. To bridge this divide, Boxwalla was curated by reaching out to many artisans, reviewers, critics, and publishers. “We also just read hundreds and hundreds of books to figure out what’s the best”, highlighting the brand's commitment to curating authentic, high-quality experiences amid the digital noise.

Curated Experiences With Boxwalla

Sandeep also underscores a prevailing challenge: the relentless pace of modern life, which often leaves us with little time to savor and reflect on our experiences. In response, Boxwalla embraces the art of slow discovery and deep immersion. “When you sign up with us, you receive a box of once in two months because we want people to slow down on things and deeply engage with everything in our box”, he tells us. Subscribers are encouraged to pause, savor, and fully engage with each curated experience. This deliberate cadence fosters a deeper connection with the things in the box.

Curated Experiences With Boxwalla

As they prepare to launch in India, Sandeep seeks to challenge stereotypical narratives and foster a deeper appreciation for global voices. Sandeep recounts a pivotal encounter with Daisy Rockwell, the International Booker Winning Hindi and Urdu translator, at an event. Rockwell pointed out that their boxes did not have any Indian translations. Inspired by her guidance, Boxwalla incorporated many literary gems from India into their curated collections. Now, their mission is to introduce Western audiences to the richness of Indian products and literature while showcasing exceptional Western products and literature to Indians.  

In our noisy world, Sandeep wants their subscribers to feel absolute happiness and the joy of discovering something new. “We’ve had so many people who've discovered writers or brands in our boxes and they've fallen in love with them—it’s like their holy grail and that’s the reason of our existence.” It is in these moments of connection and appreciation that the Boxwalla finds their true purpose.

Curated Experiences With Boxwalla

Ultimately, Boxwalla seeks to cultivate moments of pure joy and discovery for its subscribers, fostering connections with writers, brands, and cultures worldwide. As Sandeep aptly puts it, their mission is to unveil the finest offerings of the world to India, while also showcasing the richness of Indian culture to the global community.

Words Paridhi Badgotri
Date 18.04.2024