EZ[028] Editorial

EZ[028] Editorial

The first EZ of the year brings you stories from across genres, Raqib Shaw, an artist so fascinating and layered just as his masterpieces, shares stories about his intriguing life and the making of himself as an artist. Marking 34 years of the Kashmiri Pandits exodus, Siddhartha Gigoo pens an evocative memoir, A Long Season of Ashes, where he shares his experiences of living in a camp, the trauma experienced and the hope that still lives. Juxtaposing cinema, theatre and museum, Sudarshan Shetty’s show One Life Many, ‘creates a unique space between real, surreal and hyperreal, heightening our perception of indeterminate selves in uncertain states of being and worldling.’ Premiering at The Sundance Film Festival, debutant filmmaker Shuchi Talati’s, Girls will be Girls is inspired from her own reality. Backed by Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal’s creators’ lab, Pushing Buttons Studios, the film is a coming-of-age story that explores female sexuality and rebellion in a conservative and traditional school setting in India. A dark twisty debut, Kate Brody’s Rabbit Hole unravels the conspiracy theories from Reddit of the disappearance of the protagonist’s sister.

As 2024 begins we look forward to sharing such stories of diverse talents that engage and inspire.

Words Shruti Kapur Malhotra
Date 10.01.2024