The March EZ has turned out to be an extremely intriguing mix of genres. On one hand, we have Nitya Mehra's Big Girls Don’t Cry, a series celebrating sisterhood and exploring who you are at the cusp of adulthood and on the other, we have Hernan Diaz’s entrancing novel Trust exploring faith, power and reality. Musician and Actor Monica Dogra and Victorien Mulliez delve deep into the creation of Genesis, a 5-track album born out of their spiritual synergy. Prateek Jain and Gautam Seth of Klove extend their artistry to Collectklove, where they explore their love of light and objects while presenting an eclectic range of products. We also explore the culinary journey of Thai-Chinese Chef Pam, the youngest female chef to win 1 Michelin Star. And we also sift through the city of Dubai to highlight the vibrant arts, culture and cuisine that encompasses the ever-growing paradise. With such a rich array of many more stories, this month’s EZ promises to be a compelling and enriching experience for readers of all interests.
Date 11.03.2024