

Deeply rooted in the exploration of the unconscious mindscape, mythology and the boundaries of reality, New York based jewellery label Eskae, believes in crafting pieces that are deeply unique and stand for more than being adornments. For founder Drishti Verma, the concepts of personal transformation and empowerment stand right on top when it comes to her label. As someone who grew up being deeply fascinated by Indian epics and mythological narratives, Drishti found herself banking on the repository she cultivated since childhood to draw on the inspiration for her dainty yet powerful pieces. ‘Through my work, I aspire to evoke the same sense of enchantment and possibility that these mythological tales instilled in me, drawing upon their rich tapestry to ignite the imagination of those who engage with my jewellery.’


Drishti’s seemingly simple jewellery label has been built on an intricate set of principles, giving rise to this fantastical, avant-garde feel to the pieces. Stemming from the landscape of the didactic tales of childhood, the founder has turned them over their head in a bid to push boundaries and challenge societal norms. ‘Within my jewellery pieces, I want to construct a world that embraces idiosyncrasies and expands or blurs the boundaries of reality. By venturing into these realms, the intent is to offer individuals a unique experience, one that encourages them to explore their own perceptions and embark on a journey of self-discovery.’


If there was one way to describe Eskae pieces, it would be to say they are beyond the ordinary and creating such imaginative works of art takes meticulous craftsmanship and innovation. The craftsmanship and unconventionality involves utilising both traditional and contemporary methods to bring the designs to life. There is a combination of handcrafted techniques with technology, such as 3D modelling and prototyping, to ensure precision and quality, ‘Currently, we are immersed in developing a new collection that takes inspiration from the interplay between ancient Indian spirituality and technology. We are experimenting with unconventional designs, intricate detailing and avant-garde techniques to create jewellery pieces that embody the essence of this theme. The collection seeks to blur the boundaries between the organic and the synthetic, creating a harmonious fusion of elements that celebrate the beauty and complexity of our ever-evolving world.’


This is an all exclusive excerpt from our Bookazine. To read the entire article, grab your copy here.

Words Unnati Saini
Date 20.04.2024